Easy mobile access to the largest online portal for monitoring, managing and presenting PV systems is now available for smartphones with the free Sunny Portal App.
No matter what size your PV system might have, whether small residential systems or large PV farms: Sunny Portal gives you access to your PV systems right on your smartphone. PV system operators, installers and service personnel can then access the most important data they require from any location. This saves time and money.
Visualization and Control
The window to SMA Smart Home. PV system operators can use the Sunny Portal to perform a range of visualization and control tasks anytime, anywhere. The mobile online portal not only provides clear information about all relevant electrical energy flows but also offers a user-friendly platform for various control tasks – from basic system settings to activation of specific domestic appliances through SMA radio-controlled socket. Thus, you will not only benefit from the visualization of total consumption, self-consumption, purchased electricity and grid feed-in as well as PV power generation and the self-consumption quota, but also for the first time from integrated PV generation forecast and the resulting recommended actions. Furthermore, a variable system password protects the whole system against unauthorized access.
Standard functions:
Plant Selection
The existing user data is used for accessing the plants, no matter where you are. A demo account is available in case you want to see for yourself how the online plant monitoring works and in case you do not have any Sunny Portal account yet.
Energy and Power
How high was the energy harvest today or in the last month? Accessing yield data is now easier than ever.
System Log for Ensuring Yields
You can access the event history of the system with user or admin rights. This keeps you well-informed wherever you are.
For example: In the case the plant detects a blackout you can contact the plant operator with a few fingertips via telephone. You can then verify if this is only a fuse that blew or if you need to organize that the service personnel has a look at the situation on the site.
Plant Description
All important data is visible at a single glance. The plant can be easily presented anywhere you want. And by the way: Sunny Portal can be used in order to define new users, so friends or shareholders can see the plant performance at any time.
Akses mudah alih mudah kepada portal talian terbesar untuk memantau, mengurus dan sistem PV membentangkan kini boleh didapati untuk telefon pintar dengan percuma Sunny Portal App.
Tidak kira apa saiz sistem PV yang ada, sama ada sistem kediaman kecil atau ladang PV besar: Sunny Portal memberikan anda akses kepada sistem PV anda tepat pada telefon pintar anda. Pengendali sistem PV, pemasang dan kakitangan perkhidmatan boleh mengakses data yang paling penting yang mereka perlukan dari mana-mana lokasi. Ini menjimatkan masa dan wang.
Visualisasi dan Kawalan
Tetingkap ke SMA Smart Home. Pengendali sistem PV boleh menggunakan Portal Sunny untuk melaksanakan pelbagai visualisasi dan kawalan tugas bila-bila masa, di mana sahaja. Portal bimbit dalam talian bukan sahaja menyediakan maklumat yang jelas tentang semua aliran tenaga elektrik yang berkaitan tetapi juga menyediakan platform yang mudah untuk pelbagai tugas kawalan - dari tetapan sistem asas untuk pengaktifan peralatan domestik tertentu melalui SMA soket kawalan radio. Dengan demikian, anda bukan sahaja mendapat manfaat daripada visualisasi daripada jumlah penggunaan, penggunaan diri, tenaga elektrik yang dibeli dan galakan serta penjanaan kuasa PV dan kuota penggunaan diri grid, tetapi juga untuk pertama kalinya dari ramalan generasi PV bersepadu dan tindakan yang mengakibatkan disyorkan. Tambahan pula, kata laluan sistem pembolehubah melindungi seluruh sistem terhadap capaian yang tidak dibenarkan.
Fungsi Standard:
Pemilihan tumbuhan
Data pengguna yang sedia ada digunakan untuk mengakses tumbuh-tumbuhan, tidak kira di mana anda berada. Demo akaun boleh didapati sekiranya anda ingin melihat sendiri bagaimana kerja-kerja pemantauan talian loji dan jika anda tidak mempunyai apa-apa akaun Portal Sunny lagi.
Tenaga dan Kuasa
Berapa tinggi adalah hasil tenaga masa kini atau pada bulan yang lepas? Mengakses data hasil kini lebih mudah berbanding sebelum ini.
Sistem Log untuk Memastikan Hasil
Anda boleh mengakses Sejarah Sekiranya sistem dengan pengguna atau admin hak. Ini membolehkan anda baik-maklumat di mana sahaja anda berada.
Sebagai contoh: Dalam kes kilang mengesan blackout anda boleh hubungi operator kilang dengan hujung jari beberapa melalui telefon. Anda kemudiannya boleh mengesahkan jika ini hanyalah fius yang bertiup atau jika anda perlu untuk menganjurkan bahawa kakitangan perkhidmatan mempunyai lihat keadaan di laman web ini.
Loji Penerangan
Semua data penting boleh dilihat sepintas lalu tunggal. Kilang itu mudah menyampaikan mana-mana sahaja yang anda mahu. Dan dengan cara ini: Sunny Portal boleh digunakan untuk menentukan pengguna baru, jadi rakan-rakan atau pemegang saham boleh melihat prestasi kilang pada bila-bila masa.
Easy mobile access to the largest online portal for monitoring, managing and presenting PV systems is now available for smartphones with the free Sunny Portal App.
No matter what size your PV system might have, whether small residential systems or large PV farms: Sunny Portal gives you access to your PV systems right on your smartphone. PV system operators, installers and service personnel can then access the most important data they require from any location. This saves time and money.
Visualization and Control
The window to SMA Smart Home. PV system operators can use the Sunny Portal to perform a range of visualization and control tasks anytime, anywhere. The mobile online portal not only provides clear information about all relevant electrical energy flows but also offers a user-friendly platform for various control tasks – from basic system settings to activation of specific domestic appliances through SMA radio-controlled socket. Thus, you will not only benefit from the visualization of total consumption, self-consumption, purchased electricity and grid feed-in as well as PV power generation and the self-consumption quota, but also for the first time from integrated PV generation forecast and the resulting recommended actions. Furthermore, a variable system password protects the whole system against unauthorized access.
Standard functions:
Plant Selection
The existing user data is used for accessing the plants, no matter where you are. A demo account is available in case you want to see for yourself how the online plant monitoring works and in case you do not have any Sunny Portal account yet.
Energy and Power
How high was the energy harvest today or in the last month? Accessing yield data is now easier than ever.
System Log for Ensuring Yields
You can access the event history of the system with user or admin rights. This keeps you well-informed wherever you are.
For example: In the case the plant detects a blackout you can contact the plant operator with a few fingertips via telephone. You can then verify if this is only a fuse that blew or if you need to organize that the service personnel has a look at the situation on the site.
Plant Description
All important data is visible at a single glance. The plant can be easily presented anywhere you want. And by the way: Sunny Portal can be used in order to define new users, so friends or shareholders can see the plant performance at any time.